We support the World Health Organisation’s recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of nutritionally adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods at 6 months together with continued breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond.

Develop Your Child’s Creative Expression

Creative Expression Activity: Pre Counting

Introduce fun counting concepts. Put two containers in front of your child. Put one object in the first container. Say "One." Put two objects in the second container. Count, "One, Two". Repeat this activity. As your child progresses, you can create new counting games.


Creative Expression Activity: Blowing Bubbles

Go outside and play. Children learn through their sense of touch. The wonderful bubble toys create shapes and sizes! Watch your child's expression as you create bubbles for your child to crawl or run through, to touch, and to pop! Blowing bubbles can be played indoors as well. Try blowing bubbles above your child's head. See if your child can burst the bubbles with a household object.



Creative Expression Activity: Box Car

Children love to play pretend! Remove the top and bottom of the box, leaving the 4 sides. Decorate the box with your child. Cut holes in the sides of the box large enough for your child's hands. Have your child step in the box, put the hands in the holes, and pretend to drive the car! Think Fred Flintstones.



Creative Expression Activity: Create Some Wall Art

Paint your walls with washable non-toxic chalk wall paint. And help your child to hold the chalk properly with the pointer finger and chalk resting on the thumb and middle finger. Your little one will have so much fun drawing on the wall while developing his gross motor skills.



Creative Expression Activity: Find The Shapes

Help your child understand different shapes by his sense of touch. Hide the shapes in a container of dried beans. Encourage your child to put two hands and find a shape. Teach your child about shapes by naming every shape he pulls out.

The next time, ask your child to put two hands in and find the shape that you name.

With these creative activities, you are now part of your child’s journey to develop his creative expression!


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