Help your baby develop in the twenty-fifth week of your pregnancy
Your baby learns how to breathe in week 25. Advance your baby’s growth by continuing to eat a healthy and balanced diet.
What’s happening this week?
Your little one is very busy practicing for his or her grand entrance into the world, and is making breathing motions up to 44 times a minutei. His or her vocal cords are also functioning, ready for the first big cry.
Baby’s circulatory system is also developing. His or her capillaries continue to form and are filling up with blood.
Meanwhile, his or her brain growth is helping him or her to become more aware of his or her surroundings. He might even respond with a kickii when he or she hears you talking to him or her! The kidneys now process the amniotic fluid that he or she swallows, and it exits the body as urine.
Your baby this week is 8.75 inches (22 centimeters) long and weighs over 1.5 pounds (700 grams)iii.
What can you expect?
Pregnancy-related fluid collection can put pressure on a nerve in your hand, leading to tingling and pain known as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)iv. Take these tips to alleviate CTS and to make your pregnancy more comfortable:
- Avoid repetitive movements that put strain on your hands and wrists, such as typing. Use an ergonomic keyboard, limit time spent on your smartphone.
- Rest, elevate, and exercise your hands. Rest your hands/wrists on a pillow whenever possible, or keep them elevated to keep swelling at bay. Do some gentle hand exercises like making a fist then straightening the fingers or touching each finger to the thumb.
What can you do to support your pregnancy?
While it’s okay to indulge in that sweet treat once in a while, consistently eating a balanced diet boosts your health and fosters your baby’s brain and overall development – a balance of IQ and EQ.
Adequate rest and hydration is important for you and baby as well, so try to have a peaceful nighttime ritual. While your baby is starting to follow a sleep schedule, it may not match yours. You may feel your baby being active when you are just getting into bed.
When this happens, use this time to gently pat or rub your tummy to have him or her connect with your touch. You could do the same with your voice and your baby may respond with some movementii. Music is good for both of you too, helping to keep you calm and relaxedv, which in turn is good for baby’s well-rounded development.