Bring along these questions to your first prenatal check up to ask your obstetrician/ gynaecologist about your pregnancy and prenatal health.
What kinds of food should I eat? Which should I avoid?
What medicines can I take?
○ If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, you should also ask about how your pregnancy will effect your health.
Should I be taking vitamins or other supplements? What kind?
How much weight should I be gaining throughout the pregnancy?
What screenings do I need? Does the hospital offer special packages that I can take advantage of?
What can help with morning sickness?
What symptoms should I expect?
What qualifies as an emergency?
Does my line of work pose any threats to my unborn child?
How much housework can I do?
Which exercises are safe for me to do?
Is it safe to get my hair dyed and to get massages?
How much can I travel?
How can I have sex safely?