We support the World Health Organisation’s recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of nutritionally adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods at 6 months together with continued breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond.

A key to brain growth and development¹

What are the essential components for brain growth and development

DHA is a vital fatty acid in the brain and it is a primary structural component of brain tissue, which plays a role in effective communication between brain cells. DHA is one of the nutrients that are building blocks of the brain; it helps build the brain and keep brain cells flexible. DHA is essential for brain growth and development, as well as brain function. DHA together with other nutrients such as Vitamin B, Iron, Zinc and Iodine help support your child’s overall development in key development areas, such as cognitive, motor, emotional and communication skills. These key development areas help contribute to your child’s overall continuous learning.



  1. Kuratko CN, Barrett EC, Nelson EB, Salem N Jr.The relationship of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) with learning and behavior in health children: a review. Nutrients. 2013;5:2777-810.
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