All babies have their own timetable, but you can watch for certain developments in your 7-month-old. Celebrate with your baby as he reaches or nears these milestones.
Nearly mature eyesight (able to see people and objects in the distance quite clearly; able to track quickly moving objects)
Improved hand-eye coordination; can reach to catch a ball rolling on the floor
Learns more about object permanence (objects and people out of sight still exist)
May look for dropped objects
Curious about objects just out of reach and reaches for them
Associates mental images with words
Anticipates what comes next (running water means a bath, for instance)
Begins to use thumb and index finger to pick up objects (the pincer grasp)
Passes an object from one hand to the other
May hold a toy or object in each hand
Can bang objects on a table
Can sit with some support
May be able to sit unsupported
Rolls in both directions (front to back, back to front)
May move into a crawling position or even creep backward a bit
Puts weight on legs when held in a standing position
Can locate you by following your voice
Responds to own name by looking at person who spoke it
Looks for and reacts to sounds outside his line of vision
Babbles roughly echo the sounds of words heard, with vowels and consonants (“ba ba ba,” “da da”)
Takes turns in simulating conversation (you talk, baby babbles, you talk, baby babbles)
Begins to discern emotions from tone of voice (soothing, angry)
Uses voice to express happiness or unhappiness
Begins to distinguish strangers from family
May show shyness or fear around strangers
Reacts with delight to peekaboo games
Personality becomes more apparent